What's going on. Unable to log in. System says my email address in wrong but when I requested a new password it sent me the link ????
Roostertail Hey meme its roo yeah there is whole list of us that cant log in so am hoping its a zone prob and we dont lose all our stuff.
Debbcat I am so mad right now and I really hope they figure this all out as it would be sad for all of us who have been on here for years to lose everything.
Roostertail They think its a server prob no one can get on they are trying to fix it they said all we can do is keep trying ..... I went to VW live chat
Debbcat Thanks Roo i will keep trying and hope to see u on there soon. Hugs my friend. So i had to change my password to even get to this point. Guess I will keep trying with it but not sure at this time what will work since it said it didnt recgonize my email but yet it sent an email to it to let me change password. LOL so F'd up
Debbcat yay so happy to back online and I hope everyone else got on too!