Zone online casino booted me out a couple hours ago, and it will not accept my email/password in order to get back in
I am an elite member, and have been on the site sine 2016
Zone online casino booted me out a couple hours ago, and it will not accept my email/password in order to get back in
I am an elite member, and have been on the site sine 2016
There is quite a few of us having the same prob Idk what Is going on I am able to log into my VW account but I dont want on that one
Roo, maybe go into VW to their help desk and see if they aren't connected to the Zoneonlinecasino folks. Maybe they can provide an additional "support site" email??? worth a try
I will do that bbj we will see but am going crazy messing with my morning drill lol
The Zone won't accept my email address either What's going on! I've signed on 1784 days in a row! Now what!
I just googled a phone number that "MGHT" be worth a try it is showing for zone online casino support
1-877-356-9752.... probably dealing with hold time, but if a few of us call, maybe someone can get through and post any updates
oops... that is Pacific Std time, hours 9 - 5 so they are not open yet
Hopefully We'll find something out, I sure don't want to lose all my friends! Not to mention my Coins Party Passes Gems VIP Photos Messages Profile Page and Clothes! I guess I Just did mention all That! :^)