When playing holdem and looking at last hand I only can see 3/4 of the table from the left. cannot see whole table, This has been happening for a week now. Is there a fix for this?
When playing holdem and looking at last hand I only can see 3/4 of the table from the left. cannot see whole table, This has been happening for a week now. Is there a fix for this?
a few hands before 40801782 I won a pot of 1.7 million and was moved immediately to another table with nothing ........???????
I tried reboot and it didn`t help
I have same issue in Zone and Vegas with only seeing part of the poker table
hope this is getting fixed soon
If you are having the problem of not seeing the full table with LAST HAND VIEW, when playing holdem, this may work for you. I found that I had to go back to the original page which asks you to register or sign in, I bookmarked this page, clicked the button to sign in and input my email and password to get to the games, all my account information came up when this was done. When there I went to the holdem tables played a couple of hands, clicked on LAST HAND VIEW button to see if my LAST HAND VIEW showed the full table it did. Once it is working properly sign out, go back to the sign in page and enter your login info and put check mark in remember me. The next time you go back to the login page using your book marked page and if all is well it should automatically enter your ID and load the main page for your account. Hopefully this will work for you GL
multi player poker is staged and set up. Its utter bullshit