The Zone Casino Loyalty Rewards feature unlocks new bonuses to players who bank more and more Coins. We've tied the Loyalty Rewards to the Fantasy Suites Hotel. As higher floors are unlocked, your benefits are unlocked as well.
- Floor 9 - Silver League
- Floor 24 - 1.5x Daily Return Bonus
- Floor 25 - Gold League
- Floor 30 - 2x Daily Return Bonus
- Floor 33 - 5% Bonus for Gem purchases
- Floor 36 - 400 Free Party Pass Credits per month
- Floor 38 - 5x Daily Return Bonus
- Floor 39 - Diamond League
- Floor 40 - 10% Bonus for Gem purchases
- Floor 43 - 1000 Free Party Pass Credits per month
- Floor 45 - 10x Daily Return Bonus
- Floor 47 - 20% Bonus for Gem purchases
- Floor 50 - 2000 Free Party Pass Credits per month
- Floor 52 - 25x Daily Return Bonus
- Floor 54 - VIP Membership for Life (including 200 Gems per month)
- Floor 56 - 35% Bonus for Gem purchases
- Floor 58 - 5000 Free Party Pass Credits per month
- Floor 60 - 50x Daily Return Bonus
- Floor 61 - Elite Membership for Life (including 700 Gems per month)
- Floor 62 - 50% Bonus for Gem purchases
- Floor 63 - 10,000 Free Party Pass Credits per month
- Floor 64 - 100x Daily Return Bonus
All new Loyalty Rewards replace previous rewards of the same type, they ARE NOT CUMULATIVE. When you reach Floor 40, for example, and get 10% Bonus for Gem purchases, that replaces the previous bonus of 5%. You do NOT get a 15% bonus.
Leagues - All Leaderboard results now sort players into different leagues, New (no league), Silver, Gold, and Diamond, based on thier Fantasy Suites achievement. While this has no direct impact on play, you will only see other players in the same League as you when you view the Vegas World Leaderboard. In general, you won't be seeing players who have far more or far less Coins than you do.
Daily Return Bonus - A multiplier for the Coins you collect each morning when you sign in. If you have 2x Daily Return, for example, if you normally collect around 200,000 Coins, you'll instead get around 400,000.
Bonus for Gem Purchases - These bonuses apply to Gem purchases made using Vegas World's standard Gem purchase system. The increased number of Gems is displayed when you make your purchase.
IMPORTANT: Bonus Gems do not apply to 3rd party Gem purchases (like TrialPay and Super Rewards), they do not apply to VIP and Elite membership Gems, and they do not apply to Gems purchased for other accounts as gifts.
Free Party Pass Credits - Each month, on the 1st, additional Party Pass Credits are added to the account.
VIP/Elite Membership for Life - Each month, on the 1st, an additional month of the appropriate membership will be added to the account along with a number of Gems equal to that membership's monthly subscription award. That's 200 Gems for VIP and 700 Gems for Elite. The free Elite membership replaces the VIP, so when that's unlocked players will be getting 700 Gems per month (not 900.) IMPORTANT: Players who are paying for a subscription will still get their subscription Gems on their renewal date, and those Gems are in addition to any free Gems received due to Loyalty Rewards.